Women working in games: developing a model of influences

Julie Prescott

Julie Prescott, PhD student, University of Liverpool

My Thoughts

Short presentation on a psychologists PhD study – seems like results are going to be done next year, and her PhD work finished in 2010.


PhD topic is finding out why women work in the industry, or why they don’t.

Findings of interviews; not to be intimidated, rare to see women programmers and designers, enjoyed the creative element. Can bring a more professional environment. Can move it away from being “mainly for boys”.

To stay in the industry, need to have qualities like liking games, hard working – and things like not being offended by porn and farting. 🙂

Study includes an online questionnaire, anonomyous, and is for women in the production of computer games and also academics who work in the gaming area.

Main questions are from the psychology standpoint;

Do women working in development of games have a specific gender identity?

Does a “masculine” working environment impact on women in terms of: job statisfaction, work-life balance, career motivations, career aspirations and attitudes towards their careers?

Potentially can also find out insights into women in the industry, how it is as a career and how it is to younger women.

Questionnaire online: http://www.survey.bris.ac.uk/breakingbarriers/games – feedback appreciated.


When will results be available?
Questionnaire around until April/May next year – demographics out quite quickly, and hopefully later out in the year deeper analysis.

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