Gallery Now viewing: Andrew's Site » Gallery » Videogames VideogamesVideogames are interactive media, where the main visuals are on a screen (unlike say, a board game). FoldersAI War12 photosAssassins Creed2 photosBattlefield Bad Company 210 photosBeyond Good and Evil 23 photosCompany of Heroes, PC RTS game (focused on squads and small groups) with a World War 2 setting0 photosDawn of War 23 photosDepths of Peril6 photosDeusEx0 photosFallout 3408 photosGrim Fandango1 photosMax Payne63 photosMighty Jill Off12 photosMirrors Edge38 photosMount and Blade24 photosPsychonauts15 photosRed Alert15 photosRed Faction Guerrilla6 photosSYNSO3 photosTeam Fortress 23 photosVarious14 photos
Yeah, that was a good show. 😛